Girl Next Door Sessions

Girl Next Door Photoshoot near Kelowna

  • Basic The basic package includes the shoot itself, but does not include hair & makeup.
  • Premium The premium Girl Next Door package includes hair & makeup as well as the shoot.

"Girl Next Door shoots have been popular with both photographers and their subjects for decades. They're usually casual and fun and show the subject in an environment that she is very comfortable in."

- Miles Overn, Photographer

What is a Girl Next Door Session?

Among the many types and styles of glamour or boudoir shoots is the "girl next door" session. While there is no cast-in-stone definition of this type of shoot, if often contains a few standard elements; outdoor location, distressed buildings, farm buildings and equipment, antique cars and or bicylces, and of course a girl with that look. The one you can imagine living right next door or across the street.

These sessions can range from fully or mostly clothed through implied, partial or full nudity. They can also capture a full range of expressions or demeanors from shy and innocent through coy and on to overtly sensual and sexual.

Often women do these sessions to provide intimate photos or albums to their spouses or significant others as anniversary, wedding or Valentines Day gifts. More and more lately, though, women are gifting these sessions to themselves for themselves. Many women derive a deep sense of empowerment through having these photos taken and look at the resulting photos as reminders as who they are and how complete they are as women and as human beings.

Some of our Favourite Shoots

Girl Next Door Photo of Shae M by Miles Overn Photography

Shae M

Girl Next Door Photo of Montana R by Miles Overn Photography

Montana R

Girl Next Door Photo of Hollie L by Miles Overn Photography

Hollie L

Girl Next Door Photo of Kassie S by Miles Overn Photography

Kassie S

Girl Next Door Photo of Amy G by Miles Overn Photography

Amy G